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An excellent video complement to your eBookAwesome Magical Creation, is found on this page.

Here you can register for a powerful Experiential Video presentation walking you through the Dee's Creation Formula. In fact, you are about to receive real transformation and discover the False Core Beliefs holding your abundance at bey. This is THE FORMULA to create everything in your life.

Plus, through this video workshop, you will receive complimentary information about what's found in your eBook. Prepare to further ACTIVATE your true creation abilities and make THE difference in these unique times. 

Simply scroll down and register for this special video (you'll have 5 full days to watch!).

I promise you will be so glad you took the time for this life-changing and potent video... designed just for YOU, and expanding your conscious understanding, to embrace your true creation and manifestation Power. (you can't be the same after this special video)

If you just want the book, no worries; it is coming to your inbox any second from: (put this in your contacts to ensure you receive this email) 

[Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the red button that will take you STRAIGHT to your eBook download page]

Accelerate your manifestations with Dee Wallace’s revealing FREE workshop...

You're A Light Bearer DRAGON Empath!

Manifest Your Deepest Desires & Step Into Your Unlimited Power With THE Formula For Creating EVERYTHING You Want...

Register for the Magical Creation Activation Workshop NOW:

**By registering here you are also agreeing to receive additional gifts, magic, and love from Dee Wallace & Host Jennifer McLean. We do not sell or share your information with anyone ever!

As Seen On...

1: The Transformational 4-Step Formula To Connect to Your Soul Power
Through this special advanced video masterclass session, you will experience, and be coached through, the 4 potent steps of the Soul Power Formula. This deeply healing wholly original process is here for you to use from today forward to shift the very foundation of your life. Imagine pausing in the midst of a reaction to life or world events, and applying a technique that, in seconds, not only changes your mood but transforms and heals permanently, layering in your power. When you can claim with confidence and conscious understanding your Soul Power, a door opens to true prosperity, health, peace, calm, and the superpower of your very soul.
2: Receive a POWERFUL Attunement Activating Your Soul Power
You're about to learn the whole new paradigm of your power as you deeply connect into your soul. Instead of using mind-oriented willpower you’ll clearly understand the nature of the soul and know that this is the time for highly sensitive beings like you to access this superpower and use it to experience a life well lived. Plus, as you understand your power in this masterclass, you will be prepared for the special Attunement. Just like how Reiki is initiated into the practitioner through an attunement, you'll receive a custom-forged energy key to ignite the dormant energy of your power. You simply won't be the same after the unique activation of this attunement.
3: Learn About the "Highly Sensitive Soul" Turning That Sensitivity to a Superpower
The content in this webinar is remarkably freeing, inspiring, and healing. If you have been told (possibly over and over) that you are overly sensitive or too emotional you will now discover that your sensitivity is actually a superpower, AND you'll learn that you are here to contribute to massive change, as you fundamentally shift and discover a renewed life without struggle or confusion. You will come to genuinely know that your sensitivity makes you powerful beyond measure in this new quantum paradigm of your Soul Power. Through this you’ll also be transforming deeply from these understandings, (and through potent life-changing healing sessions). WOW!
Renowned Author, Actress & Powerful Channeler Dee Wallace Unveils Her Most Powerful Downloads From The Channel
In this special video presentation, Dee reveals THE FORMULA for ALL Creation. Incredible channeled insights for these times...  including several manifestation techniques you can apply RIGHT NOW
If you’re reading this, you’ve been called to claim your power.

The world NEEDS you more than ever right now – in this moment of profound planetary change, we all need you standing in your power, shining your light.

But like most spiritual seekers, you may feel overwhelmed, drained, or stuck. 

Perhaps you feel drained after dealing with everyday life; you have little energy left to create the life you truly want.

You see, there is so much more possibility available to you like:

Like the abundance overflow that allows you to live life freely… 
  • Vibrant health to enjoy each moment to the fullest…
  • Loving relationships that enrich your days with laughter and kindness… 
  • ​Or stepping into your purpose and sharing your gifts with the world.
The truth is, you don’t have to brace yourself when you step out into the world – manifesting anything you want can be easy.

Because it all boils down to a single simple formula – the “Formula For Creating Everything You Want” that Dee Wallace downloaded from the Channel.

She has used this formula over the years to change thousands of lives… 

And now, you can learn this formula to create absolutely anything you want in life – for the first time ever, she’s revealing this formula to the public inside this free video workshop.

You’d be surprised at how easy using this formula is!

Join this groundbreaking workshop to master the “Formula For Creating Everything You Want” and start shifting your life… 
But first you have to register to access this special video workshop delivering all this magical activating goodness...

After watching this revolutionary workshop, you’ll learn how to…

  • Get what you want in life with grace, ease, and flow. Dissolve the resistance keeping you in place and start smooth sailing through life!
  • Crack the code on abundance and success – say goodbye to financial struggle, sacrifice, and stuckness!
  • Unleash your full potential and release the “victimhood” patterns dimming your light and keeping you playing small.
  • Gain complete command over your life – manifest with ease, feel safe and grounded in your body, and be empowered to face anything the future brings.
  • ​Harness your hidden powers to create the life you’ve always dreamed of (hint: your “sensitivity” is actually your superpower!)
  • ​Tap into your personal well of unshakeable inner peace and confidence to navigate life on your own terms.
  • ​Start living the life you dream of with the easiest, most readily applicable Formula For Manifestation EVER.
*Dee will also tap into your energy as a viewer of this workshop, and identify through The Channel one of the false beliefs running your life – and how to clear it! WOW!! Super Powerful!
This is Your FREE Magical Creation Activation Video Workshop... Act Now!
CLICK THE BUTTON ABOVE to join in the next video masterclass to powerful healings and Soul Power Activations activations! 

Unlock Over 30 Years Of Channeled Wisdom In A Single Training...

Dee has been downloading profound wisdom and energy tools through The Channel for over 30 years – and one of the most revolutionary materials she channeled was the Formula for Creating Anything You Want.

This is the energetic formula that will help you create absolutely EVERYTHING you want… 

A powerful compilation of Dee’s work with the Channel to help you shape your reality and create the life of your dreams, now revealed in a single training.

These are a few things you’ll discover inside the Magical Creation Activation Workshop…

  • How to break free from the false core beliefs running our lives (most of our blocks were “locked-in” as early as age 3!)
  • How to simplify the creation of anything you want with the 3 tools The Channel provided us (the Sheets, the Formula, and the Symbol). 
  • The simple hand gesture that will shift your energy in an instant – so you can tap into your full creative power.
  • ​Why it’s crucial to prevent your energy from being “switched” – get aligned spiritual guidance every time you do this.
  • ​The #1 question you must answer to unlock your manifestations. (This is where most people get stuck!) 
  • ​A quick 5-minute exercise to create something in your life that you have wanted right now - this is powerful! 
  • THE most powerful manifestation practice The Channel has ever given us.
“Thank you so much Dee and your channel. I am so grateful for this message. It feels like having a door unlocked which I had lost the key too!! You brought me to tears, and my energy is already shifting!”

“I am so happy and grateful to receive your message! Upon reflection, I realize “struggle” had been a part of all my manifestations. Now I am allowing ease and claim all my desires with peace and joy.”

“Dee and her classes have contributed to my being able to make many healthy changes in my life. Every time I am able to take a class or listen to her, I do because it helps me to feel more centered, grounded, and clear.”

About Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace is a well-known actress, best known for her role in Steven Spielberg’s academy award-winning movie E.T. 

But she’s so much more than that: she’s a world-renowned channeller and healer! 

Dee has spent over a decade developing a remarkable transmutational model designed to work in the core energy systems of the psyche – encouraging profound, yet instant release.

She discovered this healing model called The I~M System of Healing through teaching at her acting school. As she coached her students, she found ways to help them access their deepest internal programming, which led her to uncover these proprietary healing tools.

She delivers her self-developed model each month on Masterworks Healing, where she lovingly helps people “let go of their story” and shift their limiting beliefs.  

Often filled with laughter, her sessions are great for releasing anything holding you back from perfect health, abundance and joy.  
© 2007-2022 Dee Wallace Brought To Your By: McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by  McLean MasterWorks, 
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Customer Support: 847-386-1464 -

Medical Disclaimer
The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.